
announcement concerning the illicit registration in hong kong of guoneng huaxing industrial investment group co.,limited falsely claiming to be a subsidiary of china energy-爱游戏官方app平台

author:    source:    time: 2023-11-16   font:【 】

it has come to our attention that certain unauthorized personnel, by forging registration materials, have deceitfully registered guoneng huaxing industrial investment group co.,limited(hereinafter referred to as guoneng huaxing) in the hong kong special administrative region, purporting to be a subsidiary of china energy. following our preliminary investigation, guoneng huaxing as well as its shareholders, directors and affiliated subsidiaries or branches (if applicable), have no equity connections, affiliations, investments, partnerships, business associations, authorization or any other ties with china energy. actions of the aforesaid entity have nothing to do with china energy. china energy therefore reserves the right to pursue responsibility from relevant entity in accordance with the law.

we would remind the public to exercise caution and remain vigilant against any risks in relation to this situation. if any suspected illegal acts associated with the entity,are discovered, please report to relevant authorities without delay.


falsely registered company

company registration number


place of registration


guoneng huaxing industrial investment group co.,limited



hong kong, china
