gd power empowers construction of venues for 2022 winter olympics with green electricity-爱游戏官方app平台

gd power empowers construction of venues for 2022 winter olympics with green electricity

communication company author: time: 2021-01-25 font:

as of january 19, hebei new energy co., ltd. under gd power development co., ltd., a subsidiary of china energy, had transmitted nearly 98 million kwh of green electricity to the northern hebei grid, ensuring the power supply for the construction of the venues for the 2022 winter olympics and supplementary facilities in chongli district, zhangjiakou city.

workers check the sealing of the main insulating oil circuit.

preparing for the 2020 winter olympics is one of the priority tasks for china. gd power has constantly strengthened production safety management by introducing a comprehensive liability system that covers all employees and the entire production process, with an aim to achieve integration and full coverage of power supply work. it regularly sends technicians to conduct frontline checkups of important equipment and facilities such as wind turbines, relay protection devices and booster stations, so as to eliminate risks in key areas and equipment and strengthen monitoring of in-operation equipment. once potential risks are discovered, they will be removed in a timely manner. the company also organizes exercises to enhance capacity of coping with emergencies such as blackouts and grid failures.

based on thorough analysis of fundamental reasons for equipment failures, gd power established a graduated, categorized equipment monitoring mechanism and a management liability system. it also records the detailed process of malfunction treatment and sets up daily equipment maintenance logs to speed up response to equipment failures and provide useful references for key equipment maintenance.

wind farm workers on their way to repair malfunctioned equipment to ensure power supply after a snowfall.

while guaranteeing the supply of green electricity, the company implemented a plan to renovate transformer stations in the venues for the winter olympics. it invested more than 5 million yuan to upgrade the facilities, lighting, office area and ecological environment of its wind farms, in an attempt to show to the world the company’s good brand image. moreover, it organizes young employees as volunteers to pick up trash and clean signs in olympic venues in chongli.
