writing colorful stories in "rainbow nation" with kindred spirit-爱游戏官方app平台

launching ceremony

green, intelligence and responsibility

zhunneng group is located in the border area of mongolia, shanxi and shaanxi provinces. thirty years ago, it was ecologically fragile, with less than 25 percent vegetation cover, and one of the most severely soil erosion areas in china. it is urgent to strengthen the control of soil erosion and improve the ecological environment.

in 1990, the construction of the open-pit coal mine of zhunneng group began to carry out scientific research, and the prelude to soil and water conservation and ecological construction began. through “landform remodeling, soil reconstruction, vegetation reconstruction, landscape reproduction, biodiversity reorganization and protection”, the company has solved the major technical problems of coordinated development and protection of large-scale coal bases in semi-arid desert areas.
