solution #1: the “5 gm ” new energy initiative-爱游戏官方app平台

solution #1: the “5 gm ” new energy initiative

author: time: 2021-08-06 font:

to enhance both intensive and extensive development of clean energy, china energy has made steady progress in exploiting important resources in northeast, north and northwest regions of china for wind and solar power generation and also played an active role in utilizing renewable energy sources scattered in the central and eastern coastal areas. the company has the world’s largest installed wind power generation capacity and took the lead in the country in building wind farms in offshore areas with low wind speed and at high altitudes. china energy has launched a pilot project for tidal power generation and a demonstration project for geothermal power generation. the company also operates multiple projects for utilization of scattered renewable energy sources, such as smart micro-grids, solar-powered agricultural production, and energy storage system for wind farms.

china energy launched a “5 gm ” new energy initiative in 2020. thanks to concerted efforts, objectives of the initiative have been reached with 5.214 gw of new energy projects completed and 5.35 gw of new energy projects put into operation. in 2020, 26.2 percent of the electricity produced by china energy was generated from renewable energy sources, a year-on-year increase of 1.4 percent, marking complete success of the company’s first campaign of new energy development.

case study: the 0.5-gw offshore wind farm in dongtai, jiangsu

jointly funded by china energy and electricite de france (edf), guohua energy investment’s 0.5-gw offshore wind power project in dongtai, east china’s jiangsu province, was officially launched on october 20, 2020. agreement on construction of the joint venture was signed under the witness of the leaders of china and france during president xi jinping’s visit to france in march 2019 to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. the wind farm is one of edf’s first investments in this field in china as well as china’s first sino-foreign joint offshore wind power project. when fully operational, the wind farm is expected to generate 1.4 billion kilowatt-hours of power per year, which can meet the annual demand for electricity of nearly 2 million residents. the project will also help reduce the use of 441,900 tons of standard coal and cut emissions of 937,500 tons of carbon dioxide and 1,704 tons of sulfur dioxide.
