writing colorful stories in "rainbow nation" with kindred spirit-爱游戏官方app平台

clean coal power tour

world youth energy tour symposium

on the last day of the event, the international youth and the staff of china energy group had a symposium where they reviewed the development process of china’s new energy industry and jointly looked forward to the future of green energy transformation.

at the symposium, the international youth listened carefully to the development of china’s wind power industry and the group’s role and contribution in the field of wind power, and combined with what they saw and heard during the trip, asked questions and interacted with experts, and shared their “energy impressions” in the form of picture stories.

“one person can’t change the world, but together we can.” this is the feeling of ruwata, a young man from south africa, and also the consensus of all international youth.

in the four days of the “world youth energy tour”, china energy has built a bridge for young people around the world to explore a green future, so that the spark of knowledge can burst in the cross-border communications. this is not only a feast of youth power, but also a new page in international energy exchanges. furthermore, it is also a consensus to promote people-to-people exchanges, trans-cultural spiritual collision and to build a green future together.
